Displaying items by tag: costume


Niente parole ad accompagnare l’esuberanza dell’immagine che abbiamo scelto come copertina del numero 26 di Scenografia&Costume: ci è sembrato, infatti, che la vitalità ottenuta da Corrado Colabucci per il figurino di uno dei costumi indossato al Moulin Rouge di Parigi non avesse bisogno di nient’altro che di deflagrare a tutta pagina.

I confini, d’altronde, vanno stretti un po’ a tutte e tutti i protagonisti di questa uscita estiva, a partire da Maria Lai, l’artista sarda che col suo "Legarsi alla montagna” ha saputo far tracimare la sua creatività fino a dar vita all’arte relazionale e a ispirare tante e tanti dopo di lei, nel teatro e nella moda compresi. Da qui le interviste a Giampietro Orrù, fondatore del Teatro Fueddu e Gestu, allo stilista Antonio Marras e a Federica Parolini e Daniela Cernigliaro, scenografa e costumista di una fortunata “Norma”, messa in scena da Luigi Di Giangi e Ugo Giacomazzi prima a Macerata e poi al Teatro Massimo di Palermo.
Ha superato i limiti del suo fare artistico Duilio Cambellotti, che oltre che pittore e scultore è stato scenografo e costumista nell’allora neo-nato Istituto Nazionale del Dramma Antico. E proprio per l’INDA, al Teatro Greco di Siracusa, è stato protagonista il titano per eccellenza in “Prometeo Liberato”, con la regia di Leo Muscato, scene di Parolini e costumi di Silvia Aymonino.
Hanno varcato la frontiera Stefania Cella, scenografa italiana da anni a Hollywood, e Simone Bianchi, illustratore conteso tra Marvel e Dc Comics; sono avvezzi agli sconfinamenti autori come Nanni Moretti, di cui abbiamo analizzato scene e costumi (di Alessandro Vannucci e Silvia Segoloni) in “Il sol dell’avvenire”, Marco Bellocchio in “Rapito” (scenografia di Andrea Castorina e arredamento di Valeria Vecellio), François Ozon in “Mon Crime” (scenografia di Jean Rabasse).

A completare il numero, i musei, le mostre, le premiazioni, gli artigiani e le news legate al mondo della scenografia e del costume.

????S&C 26 è disponibile da oggi in versione digitale sull'edicola del sito, a soli 7 euro.
E presto in versione cartacea, in vendita anche su Amazon, a 12 euro.

The mapping of Italy

The Italian Film Commissions Association (IFC) is made up of 19 Film Commissions spread throughout the Italian territory and is the ideal reference for national and international productions, for investors, authors, professional operators and for film and audiovisual institutions.

Led by the current President Cristina Priarone, of the Roma Lazio Film Commission and by the two Vice Presidents Luca Ferrario of the Trentino Film Commission and Paolo Manera of the Torino Piemonte Film Commission, it has always promoted the knowledge of the whole national territory through a series of initiatives and events and a meticulous work of research and archiving.

The goal is to build overall opportunities with a lever function, as a reference point of the film and audiovisual sector in its entirety, both nationally and internationally, for institutions and trade associations. In order to achieve similar results, innovative mappings of locations, both public and private, have been undertaken for some years, which allow professional operators to immediately view all the available Italian places of considerable interest and value, a very suggestive 360° view that is particularly effective for the set design and production choices.

Institutional collaborations have allowed a continuous presence at major international events thanks to the support of ICE and Istituto Luce-Cinecittà, enabling savings in participation costs, promotional effectiveness and a greater range of action for each Film Commission.

The Italy For Movies project is fundamental, through which the IFC Association has actively implemented the collaboration with the Mibact General Directorate for Cinema and with the Istituto Luce-Cinecittà. It is a website and an app that maps public assets and locations of each Italian region linked to cinema and audiovisual as fundamental means of artistic expression, cultural training and social communication, as well as the promotion of Italy’s image also for tourism purposes. Within the site it is also possible, through film posters and titles, to go back to the locations where the filming took place. The technical and organizational management of the project is entrusted to Istituto Luce-Cinecittà in close collaboration with the Italian Film Commissions Association and offers an overview of the many resources and support funds available for thesector. The portal consists of five sections, from the locations catalogue, to the incentive guide, from the mapping of films and audiovisual works on a regional basis to the news section, up to the film commission area.

The IFC Association, in addition to implementing activities aimed precisely at promoting the individual territories and Italy as a whole and its resources, aims to propose new development paths for the sector such as, for example, environmental sustainability. Through research and experimentation of the various Green Set protocols already active in Europe, the Italian Film Commissions as well are working to reduce the environmental impact of films, urging the networking of good practices that activate a dynamic and efficient Italian green cluster, populariser of a conscious use of energies (including renewable energies) and capable of involving audiovisual companies together with the ICT and design enterprises, the energy sector and the manufacturing, tourism, and food and wine industries, present in each region.